Review GPTZero: AI-generated Text Detector


GPTZero is a powerful tool that detects whether text is AI-generated or written by a human. Free and open-source, it allows anyone to check the authenticity of their content with an impressive accuracy rate of up to 98%.

How Does GPTZero Work?

Image source: gptzero

Based on extensive research, GPTZero’s algorithm was developed by Edward Tian, a Princeton University graduate. It analyzes text through statistical methods, identifying telltale markers of AI generation. Typically, AI-generated text is characterized by simpler language and repetitive structures, whereas human-written content is more varied and complex. GPTZero detects content generated by leading AI models, including ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, Bard, and LLaMA 2.

How to Use GPTZero?

Image source: gptzero
Image source: gptzero

To operate GPTZero:

  1. Visit GPTZero’s official website at
  2. Enter text in the provided text box or paste content directly.
  3. Alternatively, click on “CHOOSE FILE” to upload a document.
  4. Agree to the Terms of Service.
  5. Click “GET RESULT” to analyze the text.

GPTZero then determines whether the text is likely human-written or AI-generated.

Who Uses GPTZero?

GPTZero benefits a wide array of users:

  • Content Creators verify the authenticity of the content.
  • Educators and Researchers detecting AI use in academic settings.
  • Publishers and Editors check the originality of submissions.
  • Content Moderators ensure authentic contributions.
  • AI Researchers and Developers analyzing generative AI outputs.

GPTZero Pricing

GPTZero offers several pricing packages tailored to different needs:

  • GPTZero Classic: Free, with a limit of 5,000 characters per document.
  • GPTZero Educator: $9.99/month for educators. Using a fine-tuned detection model, it supports up to 50,000 characters per document and 1 million words per month.
  • GPTZero Pro: $19.99/month, supporting 50,000 characters per document and 2 million words per month with a premium detection model.

API Subscription Plan

The API plan is available for users needing higher volume processing. It starts at $14.99/month for up to 0.5 million words, with higher tiers for volumes up to 5 million words monthly.

Pros and Cons of GPTZero


  • High detection accuracy.
  • API integration options and LMS compatibility.
  • Free access with no commitment.
  • Tailored plans for diverse users.
  • Compatibility with popular AI language models (e.g., ChatGPT, Bard, LLaMA 2).


  • Limited to English-language text detection.
  • Lacks plagiarism detection and readability scoring.
  • Character limits (minimum of 250 and up to 5,000 characters on the free plan).
  • High traffic has led to occasional slower response times due to popularity.

Overall, GPTZero remains a valuable tool for verifying content originality. It is accurate, easy to use, and offers flexible plans for users at all levels.

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